jeudi 27 février 2014

Days at the farm

Last January we flew to France to spend some times at my parents farm. In there they grow organic chickens, make their own bread and marmalades and  have a wonderful vegetable garden!

Alas it was winter! So no fruits picking or garden watering this time!  Instead we spent lovely days inside the house close to the fire place and sometimes we did ventured outside, in our rubber boots trying not to slip and fall in the mud. It was lots of fun!!

Here is first selection of a few pictures I took while I was there. Due to bag restrictions in the plane, I had left my big camera at home, shame :(  Plus, it is pretty hard to take pictures while having an eye on a happy toddler wanting to discover everything!!!!

dimanche 23 février 2014

Happy rainy cloud

 On Saturday, the weather was so beautiful in here! For the first time in ages, it really looked and smelled like Spring! In the garden, flowers are blooming, in the streets the trees are in flowers too, it is so beautiful!!
And it's the day I chose to embroider a new cloud design, yet, I swear I am not missing the view of clouds! Not even for a second! Still, here it is, a little pastel pink cloud, filled with fibres and stitched on a grey cotton fabric.

vendredi 21 février 2014

Petit oiseau

 Back from some winter holidays in France, I took some cute fabrics back with me. Inspired with the country life in my parents farm, I forgot the mud and gave a spring mood to my new little bird embroidery design.

The week end is now heading over, and I wish everyone to spend a wonderful time doing fun and relaxing things with the ones you love!

Bonus : the reality …..